My deepest hope for you

My deepest hope for you dear reader is that you experience a sense of deep, deep joy and unconditional loving belonging. I hope you will enjoy true peace that surpasses all understanding.
If you struggle with physical and/or emotional pain or even the searing pain of trauma, I hope for you to experience healing alleviation from this suffering.
If you are grieving I hope you will find consolation and holding
If you are a parent struggling with a child in difficult times, I hope your child feels the tenderness of God embracing their struggling hearts and that you as a parent know that you are enough and more
If rejection and humiliation have been a part of your life I hope you experience trustworthy others, inclusion and affirmation.
If you struggle with finances or don’t have a secure home, or employment, my hope for you is that you will be guided to locate and access these resources to help restabilises your life
If you have no decent and trustworthy friends I hope these are part of your life soon
So join me in this prayer especially for you:
🌹Beloved, transcendent and compassionate Creator, who is always within us. We love you. May we truly experience that we are held safe in your abundant, boundless, love; and sustained by your limitless grace.
🌹Help our struggling hearts and minds to know how to navigate ourselves through this broken and difficult World. May we know beyond doubt that we are absolutely and unconditionally, loved by You.
🌹Let fear and separation dissolve within us.
🌹Teach us to love. Teach us to empathise. Teach us to be compassionate. Let us absorb deep inside what Jesus said of God: “what father offers their child a serpent if they ask for a fish, or a stone if they ask for bread?”.
🌹Help us to be kind Mothers and Fathers of all living beings and all nature and especially our Mother, the planet.
🌹Cleanse human hearts and minds of sociopathy, narcissism, aggression and paranoia.
May the Christ within us guide us always
🌹Amen 🌹🌈
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