The more I have considered the work of some very talented scientists, in particular Jude Currivan PhD and Dr Donald Hoffman, the more I am coming to be persuaded that the nature of the universe is Holographic. This theory has credibility with scientists from institutions such as Cambridge, Princeton and Columbia. Currivan more cautiously uses the word “Holographic” rather than ‘simulation’, to describe the phenomenon of the universe, with the former attributing meaning and purpose to the universe from its underlying properties of consciousness, whereas simulation suggests unreality. She speaks of the universe as “a living, sentient, conscious, non locally unified entity from it’s very beginnings”. The universe emerges from greater consciousness. Currivan speaks of physicists whose observations of the quantum world led them to the Vedas and writings of the Rishis of India, whose wisdom matched the observations of these scientists about the universe, that reality emerges from deeper levels of non locality. Currivan suggests that consciousness connects humanity to the vast interconnected aspects of cosmic information, and therefore suggests that we are manifestations and co-creators of the universe. This has resonance with Plato’s idea of the world being an imperfect representation of perfect forms of a greater reality. The universe as the manifestation of consciousness was at the heart of non dual Advaita Vedanta, the Gnostic mythology and the notion of creation emerging from the Logos. The creation myths were meant to ascribe meaning to the universe, whatever are its constituents. Intuitively this explanation holds closer to the truth to me.